Norah Head National Surfing Reserve
Iconic place for surfing in Australia | Share. Respect. Preserve.
After two years of work by the Norah Head National Surfing Reserve Executive Committee, in November 2022 Norah Head celebrates achieving National Surfing Reserve status!
Norah Head has the honour of being the first National Surfing Reserve on the Central Coast, enclosing the ribbon of coastline between Hargraves Beach in the North and Pelican Point in the South. This small and unique strip of coastline features at least: nine Beach breaks, two Point breaks, three Bomboras and two Reef breaks. These unspoiled breaks offer world-class surfable options in all wave and wind conditions.
Declaration of the Norah Head National Surfing Reserve highlights the importance of conserving and managing our coastal resources sustainably so that they continue to be enjoyed by all for generations.
What is a National Surfing Reserve?
Dedication of a surfing site as a National Surfing Reserve is a community, and government recognition of the contribution surfing makes to the Australian lifestyle and the significance that surfing sites have made to the development of surfing in Australia. All Surfing Reserves support the Tennant, Share, Respect and Preserve.
National Surfing Reserves are "iconic" places of intrinsic environmental, heritage, sporting and cultural value to a nation. They embrace all people to enjoy, understand and protect unique coastal environments of universal value to the surfing world.
Visitors are invited to see the dedicated plaque anytime.
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Norah Head NSW, Australia
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